Loss Control & Risk Management
Promoting a culture of safety
While NHRMA members play a major role in controlling their workers’ compensation costs, NHRMA Mutual’s risk management program is here to help you reduce the number of incidents and severity of claims within your organization.
Our experienced loss control consultants—all certified health and safety professionals (CHSPs)—work directly with members to develop customized service plans to meet their individual safety needs.
We provide:
- On-site training on topics such as safe resident assist and handling, managing behaviors, preventing slips/trips and falls, and general lifting and body mechanics
- On-site risk assessments and data analyses to guide members’ safety committees in their day-to-day efforts to create a positive safety culture
- Certified instructors for the National Safety Council-sponsored defensive driving courses
- An effective alternative duty/early return-to-work program—providing temporary alternative work duties for employees injured on the job (critical for controlling workers’ compensation costs)
Training to implement and apply our Core Practices

Our Core Practices
At NHRMA Mutual, we firmly believe our Core Practices are a reliable and trustworthy means for establishing a strong foundation for effective risk management and a culture of safety.
- Post-offer physical exams & essential functions testing
- Post-incident drug testing
- Use of designated medical providers
- Effective alternative duty programs
- Active safety committees